Film Photography > Art appropriation


The 2016 edition took place on December 6th and 7th at the Roger Barat Theater and at the Espace Malraux in Herblay (95). It brought together nearly two hundred professionals.

Convocations is a variation around the
Justice, eminent or ordinary, base of our living
together, through the great last duty
democratic, that of juror. The opportunity of a snapshot
questioning the plural issues of our
society. Four days, where everyone evolves in his
differences, concerns, uncertainties, doubts and
his hopes. A writing with crossed dialogues that
by sliding widens the intimacy of the deliberative room
to other territories and temporalities, becoming a
classroom, a police station, a hospital, a
business ... like so many looks about ourselves.
Our work is taking shape through several workshops,
where I propose different themes to actors
to improvise. Thanks to the interior monologues,
interviews, sketches of characters, they explore
hidden, buried, disparate territories,
unsuspected. With the help of this material, always in
movement, writing questions itself, is organized,
invented, until the elaboration of the text and its
meeting with the public.
Proposed distribution -
With Margot Faure, Candice Lartigue, Hélène Rencurel,
Patrice Botella, Yves Buchin, Guillaume Marquet,
Roman Arnaud-Kneisky, Jean-Philippe Feiss
Music Creation Jean-Philippe Feiss
Sébastien De Jesus light design
Sound creation Janyves Coïc
Scenography Camille Duchemin
Régie son Baudouin Rencurel
Régie Lumière Julien Bensamoun, Léon

PRODUCTION - Altermachine
Caroline Willemot - 79 17 36 65
Camille Hakim Hashemi - 06 15 56 33 17
Nombre de personne en tournée -
Structures engagées sur la production -
Théâtre de Châtillon (dates à définir)
Calendrier d’exploitation -
Théâtre de Châtillon
Également en tournée -
Une place particulière
- 1 au 14 décembre 2016, Monfort Théâtre, Paris